Form error


Tom Richards

I have a form at It sits on the
godaddy server. It is coded EXACTLY the same as many other forms I've built
including which also resides at
godaddy and works just fine. However
returns a login window whenever Submit is clicked. I have spent hours trying
to fix this including advanced support at godaddy (they claim it's a
client-side issue - not server-side), uninstalling and reinstalling FP
extensions umpteen times, playing with .htaccess files and directory
(_vti_bin, etc.) permissions - I'm at my wits end.

David Berry

The form is trying to create a file in the _private folder
(_private/feedback.txt). Make sure that folder has write permissions. It
should have had the correct permissions but if you've been altering settings
they may have been lost. You could also un-install and re-install the
FrontPage Extensions or, if you have access, run a repair on them (Check

Tom Richards

I chmoded the _private directory to 727 which gives owner, group and public
write permissions. Still no joy. The exact same form at godaddy
( functions fine with the default
705 permissions. extensions have been uninstalled and reinstalled since I

Tom Richards


Somehow the form worked overnight - a prospect submitted an information
request. It sent an email with a subject line of: "Data posted to form 1 of". It also wrote to the
feedback.txt file in the _private directory. His browser and os info is:

HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.0; Windows NT 5.1)

Any clues?


Tom Miller

"> Somehow the form worked overnight -

Is it now working for anybody? Or just that person?


Tom Richards

Very did not work after testing when that one good submission
came through. But it now seems to be fine - the custom confirmation page
works and a notification email is sent out. I guess something server-side
took a few days to propogate? Dunno...


Having the mail server unreachable or slow due to congestion will cause a
form using an email address to fail to show the "thank you" page to the

While the data will still get written to the _private folder.

So if the problem comes and goes, but never occurs on forms that don't send
email, your connection to the mail server or the mail server itself is
probably the problem.

Tom Richards said:
Very did not work after testing when that one good
submission came through. But it now seems to be fine - the custom
confirmation page works and a notification email is sent out. I guess
something server-side took a few days to propogate? Dunno...

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