form errors/cannot email results



I am not a web designer but I have got a few clients I do print work for and
they have asked me to do their webpages.
So far I can control all the graphics the way I want. I can make a hyperlink
for e-mail reply and control the subject line.

This is the first time I have to use forms as the client needs answers to
specific questions in the reply.
Is there any way to have the questions appear in the body of the email popup
without using forms?

I made a contact form with the wizard. When I fill in the email address to
send the results it says it won't work, do I want to remove the address, I
say no. There is a check box for a folder,it says ftp:....I have tried
leaving the default and blank.
If I upload the page to server I get this:
FrontPage Run-Time Component Page
You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a web
server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function properly.

This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you publish
this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed.

I have turned on front page extension on the server options, I also added
formmail, and cp, cgi (I don't now what these are or how they work) Am I
supposed to put the folders it created in the sub directory where the index
page is??

I have the actual FP site in a sub directory of the main folder. I am using
a url grabber to show the domain instead of the actual directory. I check
the private folders and cannot see any database there, I thought there was
supposed to be a comma separated file there of results?

I cannot tell if the server is Unix or Windows, how can I see or does it
matter? (infinology)

No matter what address I fill in it won't let me upload through http

only ftp, or the control panel works for uploading, is that the problem? the
name forwarding? the folders aren't in the right places? I need to direct
the results to a file first?

ANY help will be appreciated, I am supposed to finish the site for next week
and this is the only hang-up.

I visited some pages with scripts for ASP and other types of scripts but I
do not know where to put the code or what to do to use them. It seems if FP
has it built-in it should work simply?

After I wrote this I tried putting the folders the server created into the
sub folder where the site is. I also read that using ftp breaks the codes for
FP, since I can't get it to do http: uploading what should I do?

main domain name contains the main website that does not
need the extensions. The url uses forwarding the real name of the upload site
is different.
the site I need the forms is in
however the real name of the url address is not www. it is another ip address.
I hope I got enough info here to explain the problem properly?


follow up to my own question: I have now figured the proper http: info and i
can get FP to use it. of course now all my shared borders disappeared...

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