Form field to crosstab query?


Alex Brown

I am using a form field to provide input to a report as
launches. Everything works fine with normal queries but
as soon as I use a crosstab query I get the following
error message:

"The Microsoft Jet database engine does not
recognize '[Forms]![Year Dialog]![yearlist]' as a valid
field name or expression."

I am using a base query - which is where the criteria
expression appears - followed by a crosstab query layered
on top that provides the data for the report.

Please help!


Ragnar Midtskogen

Hi Alex,

I would check the syntax for the crosstab query, Access does not always give
meaningful error messages.
If it works with a regular query it should work with a crosstab as well, I
have done this many times.
To debug you might try to replace the form field with hard coded dat for the
criteria and see what happens.
I suppose the form is open when you run the query?


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