Form Fields & Graphics



In a table I have added various Text fields and Drop-Down boxes from
MS-Word's Forms toolbar. What I'm struggling with is that I need to add a
"graphics" field whereby a user can copy a PowerPoint diagram and paste it
into my MS-Word form. Is that possible, or is there a work-around? Please
keep in mind that I need to protect the document so that the Text fields and
Drop-Down boxes work correctly.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Dian D. Chapman, MVP

Your best bet would be to insert a section above and below the area
where you want the graphic inserted and then do not protect that area
so the user can insert as needed.

The only other alternative would be to write code or use a MACROBUTTON
that would temporarily unlock the document, open the common dialog box
that would allow the user to choose the needed graphic and then relock
the document. But unless you understand VBA, you'll have to go with
the first option and redesign your form if necessary to leave that
area open.

Good luck...

Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified, Editor/TechTrax

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Thanks for your help! I forgot that I could leave a given section
unprotected while protecting the rest of the form.

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