Form Fields, Macros & Navigating



I am working with Word 2000. I have a form with multiple tables. Each table
contains form fields. Some tables have form fields with macros executing on
exiting from the field. These macros add a new row to the table, with the
new row containing the same form fields as the previous row. My problem
involves moving from one of these tables to the next. When I click the mouse
to move into the next table, the previous table adds another row. Because it
is a form, it is locked and that blank row cannot be deleted. How can I move
the cursor from one table to another without creating a new row in the table
I am leaving?


Charles Kenyon

Change your on exit macro. Instead, put in a custom toolbar with buttons or
menu commands that let the user add rows to various tables. Right now, you
have programmed a loop into your form such that if the user simply tabs from
field to field, that user will end up just adding row after row to the table
and never reach the end.

What you are talking about is what Word calls an "online form." For more
about online forms, follow the links at or especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles.

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

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