Form for searching database?



I have a large list of resources that has been categorized by topic,
audience, type, language and availability. I would like to know if it is
possible to create a form where a person can enter what they are looking for
(e.g., specificy the topic, language and availability) and somehow have
Access return a report of what resources match the desired criteria.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Allen Browne

If you just want to choose *one* field to filter on, and narrow it down as
you go, see:
Find as you type - Filter forms with each keystroke

If you want to let the user enter any combination of topic, audience, type,
language and availability, see:
Search form - Handle many optional criteria

The first one is copy'n'paste stuff. The 2nd one is an example of how to
write the code for a flexible search.

Both examples filter a form. Once you have that working, you can use the
form's filter as the WhereCondition for OpenReport.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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The second option is just what I need, but I do have a question:

Some resources may be appropriate for multiple audiences (e.g., adults,
families, seniors,...). Currently I have been capturing this as multiple
yes/no fields. Is it possible for the user to select the audience from a
drop down list (e.g., Audience = Adults) and have the search return the
entries where Adult=Yes?

Allen Browne

Yes: you could create a combo with the 3 choices, and then write your code
so that it add the appropriate thing to the filter string, e.g.:
If Not IsNull(Me.cboAgeGroup) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "(" & Me.cboAgeGroup & " = True) AND "
End If

However, it might be a better design to create a related table where you can
store 3 records if all 3 age groups apply. Details in:
Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.


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