Form Frustrations



Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


Thanks a lot, Karl!

Just one more tweaking is needed, though. Is it possible to have a subform
to a subform?

As you can see in Table 1, there is a LEMMA column (the dictionary form of
the Greek word), a PARSING (grammar) column, and a GREEK (the declined Greek
word) column.

Take the third row in Table 1:

ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½

This same LEMMA ποιέω appears many times in the entire database, and means
"DO." The Greek word á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½ also appears many times (but fewer times, of
course) and means "he DOES" (based also on examining the PARSING).

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations. Table 3
also has a field where the English translations can be entered: "he DOES."
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.

I also made a separate LEMMA Table 4 (which could be linked to Table 1
LEMMA) and a separate GREEK Table 5 (which could be linked to Table 1,
GREEK), with fields for the English translations of the words in the verses.

How can Tables 3, 4, and 5 be linked to Table 1, which is the subform? I
could add other fields in Table 1 for the English translations of the LEMMAs
and GREEK words, but that would make Table 1 an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Do you have any good advice for this Access beginner?

I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


Is it possible to have a subform to a subform?
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations.
No need to make a new table, just query the fields and use the query instead
of a table.
Include the field in the query that would relate them.

I do not follow why you need a third form.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Thanks a lot, Karl!

Just one more tweaking is needed, though. Is it possible to have a subform
to a subform?

As you can see in Table 1, there is a LEMMA column (the dictionary form of
the Greek word), a PARSING (grammar) column, and a GREEK (the declined Greek
word) column.

Take the third row in Table 1:

ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½

This same LEMMA ποιέω appears many times in the entire database, and means
"DO." The Greek word á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½ also appears many times (but fewer times, of
course) and means "he DOES" (based also on examining the PARSING).

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations. Table 3
also has a field where the English translations can be entered: "he DOES."
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.

I also made a separate LEMMA Table 4 (which could be linked to Table 1
LEMMA) and a separate GREEK Table 5 (which could be linked to Table 1,
GREEK), with fields for the English translations of the words in the verses.

How can Tables 3, 4, and 5 be linked to Table 1, which is the subform? I
could add other fields in Table 1 for the English translations of the LEMMAs
and GREEK words, but that would make Table 1 an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Do you have any good advice for this Access beginner?

I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


Karl, before the verses in Table 2 can be translated into English, the
individual words (in the LEMMA and GREEK columns) in Table 1, the subform,
will have to be translated into English in the ENGLISH fields.

the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations.
No need to make a new table, just query the fields and use the query instead
of a table.
Include the field in the query that would relate them.

I do not follow why you need a third form.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Thanks a lot, Karl!

Just one more tweaking is needed, though. Is it possible to have a subform
to a subform?

As you can see in Table 1, there is a LEMMA column (the dictionary form of
the Greek word), a PARSING (grammar) column, and a GREEK (the declined Greek
word) column.

Take the third row in Table 1:

ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½

This same LEMMA ποιέω appears many times in the entire database, and means
"DO." The Greek word á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½ also appears many times (but fewer times, of
course) and means "he DOES" (based also on examining the PARSING).

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations. Table 3
also has a field where the English translations can be entered: "he DOES."
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.

I also made a separate LEMMA Table 4 (which could be linked to Table 1
LEMMA) and a separate GREEK Table 5 (which could be linked to Table 1,
GREEK), with fields for the English translations of the words in the verses.

How can Tables 3, 4, and 5 be linked to Table 1, which is the subform? I
could add other fields in Table 1 for the English translations of the LEMMAs
and GREEK words, but that would make Table 1 an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Do you have any good advice for this Access beginner?

I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.


Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


I do not think I can help further.
Maybe start another thread if no one responds to this.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Karl, before the verses in Table 2 can be translated into English, the
individual words (in the LEMMA and GREEK columns) in Table 1, the subform,
will have to be translated into English in the ENGLISH fields.

Is it possible to have a subform to a subform? Yes.

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations.
No need to make a new table, just query the fields and use the query instead
of a table.
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.
Include the field in the query that would relate them.

I do not follow why you need a third form.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Thanks a lot, Karl!

Just one more tweaking is needed, though. Is it possible to have a subform
to a subform?

As you can see in Table 1, there is a LEMMA column (the dictionary form of
the Greek word), a PARSING (grammar) column, and a GREEK (the declined Greek
word) column.

Take the third row in Table 1:

ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½

This same LEMMA ποιέω appears many times in the entire database, and means
"DO." The Greek word á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½ also appears many times (but fewer times, of
course) and means "he DOES" (based also on examining the PARSING).

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations. Table 3
also has a field where the English translations can be entered: "he DOES."
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.

I also made a separate LEMMA Table 4 (which could be linked to Table 1
LEMMA) and a separate GREEK Table 5 (which could be linked to Table 1,
GREEK), with fields for the English translations of the words in the verses.

How can Tables 3, 4, and 5 be linked to Table 1, which is the subform? I
could add other fields in Table 1 for the English translations of the LEMMAs
and GREEK words, but that would make Table 1 an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Do you have any good advice for this Access beginner?


I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.


Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.


Sorry to trouble you so much, Karl. I will take your advice and try elsewhere.

I do not think I can help further.
Maybe start another thread if no one responds to this.

Build a little, test a little.

Rebecca said:
Karl, before the verses in Table 2 can be translated into English, the
individual words (in the LEMMA and GREEK columns) in Table 1, the subform,
will have to be translated into English in the ENGLISH fields.

Is it possible to have a subform to a subform?

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations.
No need to make a new table, just query the fields and use the query instead
of a table.

This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.
Include the field in the query that would relate them.

I do not follow why you need a third form.

Build a little, test a little.


Thanks a lot, Karl!

Just one more tweaking is needed, though. Is it possible to have a subform
to a subform?

As you can see in Table 1, there is a LEMMA column (the dictionary form of
the Greek word), a PARSING (grammar) column, and a GREEK (the declined Greek
word) column.

Take the third row in Table 1:

ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½

This same LEMMA ποιέω appears many times in the entire database, and means
"DO." The Greek word á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½ also appears many times (but fewer times, of
course) and means "he DOES" (based also on examining the PARSING).

I have made a Table 3 which contains from Table 1 all the rows which have
the same / unique three column LEMMA | PARSING | GREEK combinations. Table 3
also has a field where the English translations can be entered: "he DOES."
This Table 3 has to be linked to Table 1, which is the subform of Table 2.

I also made a separate LEMMA Table 4 (which could be linked to Table 1
LEMMA) and a separate GREEK Table 5 (which could be linked to Table 1,
GREEK), with fields for the English translations of the words in the verses.

How can Tables 3, 4, and 5 be linked to Table 1, which is the subform? I
could add other fields in Table 1 for the English translations of the LEMMAs
and GREEK words, but that would make Table 1 an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Do you have any good advice for this Access beginner?


I think a form/subform will do it for you with Master/Child link set on the
Table 2 in the form and table 1 in the subform.

Build a little, test a little.


Greetings! I am using Windows 7 and Microsoft Access 2007. I can't figure out
how to connect the following two tables to work right in a form, so I need
the help of the experts in this forum.

I will try to be as brief as possible, but I am afraid my explanation may be
asking for too much patience on the part of the reader. But if you can endure
to the bitter end and help me, please explain in easy English because I am
still a newbie. The columns in the sample tables below are not aligned, but
you can visualize what kind of data is inside them. I wish we could post some
jpegs because a picture is worth a thousand words, as the cliche goes.



1 Gen 01:01 á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½
2 Gen 01:01 á¼€Ïχή ndfsc á¼€Ïχῇ
3 Gen 01:01 ποιέω viaa3s á¼Ï€Î¿á½·Î·ÏƒÎµÎ½
4 Gen 01:01 á½ dnms á½
5 Gen 01:01 θεός nnmsc θεός
6 Gen 01:01 ὠdams τόν
7 Gen 01:01 οá½Ïανός namsc οá½Ïανόν
8 Gen 01:01 καί cc καί
9 Gen 01:01 ὠdafs τήν
10 Gen 01:01 γῆ nafsc γῆν
11 Gen 01:02 ὠdnfs ἡ
12 Gen 01:02 δέ cc δέ
13 Gen 01:02 γῆ nnfsc γῆ
14 Gen 01:02 εἰμί viia3s ἦν
15 Gen 01:02 ἀόÏατος annfsn ἀόÏατος
16 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
17 Gen 01:02 ἀκατασκεύαστος annfsn ἀκατασκεύαστος
18 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
19 Gen 01:02 σκότος nnnsc σκότος
20 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
21 Gen 01:02 ὠdgfs τῆς
22 Gen 01:02 ἄβυσσος ngfsc ἀβύσσου
23 Gen 01:02 καί cc καί
24 Gen 01:02 πνεῦμα nnnsc πνεῦμα
25 Gen 01:02 θεός ngmsc θεοῦ
26 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€Î¹Ï†á½³Ïω viim3s á¼Ï€ÎµÏ†á½³Ïετο
27 Gen 01:02 á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰ pg á¼Ï€á½±Î½Ï‰
28 Gen 01:02 ὠdgns τοῦ
29 Gen 01:02 á½•Î´Ï‰Ï ngnsc ὕδατος
30 Gen 01:03 καί cc καί




1 Gen 01:01 Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ... In the beginning ... IN ORIGIN ...
2 Gen 01:02 Gen 1:2 ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ... Yet the earth ... THE YET LAND ...


After the two tables are joined (please explain how this miracle is done --
yes, I read the help files, but I still couldn't get it to work), I need a
form that would look something like this:

[from Table 2, above the line seen below, four entries, with the 3rd and 4th
(both empty memo data types) filled in with the English translation
verse-by-verse as you scroll down the Bible Verses]


[Gen 01:01] [Gen 1:1 á¼Î½ á¼€Ïχῇ ...] [English translation here] [INTERLINEAR

[Gen 01:01] [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½] [Eng. trans. here] [Eng. trans. here]
[Gen 01:02] ...

etc. (datasheet view for Table 1)

[from Table 1, below the line seen above, the first unit contains the Bible
Chapter and Verse [Gen 01:01] , the second the LEMMAs, PARSINGs, and Greek
words [á¼Î½ pd á¼Î½], the 3rd the Eng. translation of the LEMMA [á¼Î½], and the 4th
the Eng. translation of the Greek word [also á¼Î½]

If any of the experts on this forum are still reading this tedious post,
could you please give me some advice on how I can connect these two Tables
into one Form.

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