Form goes MIA!

  • Thread starter gchichester via
  • Start date

gchichester via

Can anyone see what would cause my form frmSearchEuropeNotice not
show after applying this filter?

I have verified the results via the MsgBox and the forms filter property as
having ..
"BookingNoticeShipper Like "dne*" AND BookingNoticeConsignee Like "beva*" in
the results,
but the form is a no show, the form tab is the only visable hint that there
should be a form.

Private Sub cmdSearchBookings_Click()
Dim frm As Form, strMsgShipper As String, strMsgConsignee As String
Dim strInputShipper As String, strInputConsignee As String, strFilter As
Dim strShipperConsignee As String

Forms!frmHomePort.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSearchEuropeNotice"

Set frm = Forms!frmSearchEuropeNotice.Form

strMsgShipper = "Enter Shipper Name " _
& "followed by an asterisk."
strMsgConsignee = "Enter Consignee Name " _
& "followed by an asterisk."

strInputShipper = InputBox(strMsgShipper)
strInputConsignee = InputBox(strMsgConsignee)

If Not IsNull(srtInputShipper) Then
strFilter = strFilter & " AND ("_
& BuildCriteria("BookingNoticeShipper", dbText, strInputShipper)
End If

If Not IsNull(strInputConsignee) Then
strFilter = strFilter & " AND ("_
& BuildCriteria("BookingNoticeConsignee", dbText, strInputConsignee)
End If

'MsgBox Mid(strFilter, 6)

frm.Filter = Mid(strFilter, 6)

frm.FilterOn = True

End Sub


John W. Vinson

I have verified the results via the MsgBox and the forms filter property as
having ..
"BookingNoticeShipper Like "dne*" AND BookingNoticeConsignee Like "beva*" in
the results,
but the form is a no show, the form tab is the only visable hint that there
should be a form.

This phenomenon will happen when both of two conditions are true: the form's
Recordsource is not updateable (or the form is otherwise not updateable), so
you can't see the blank new record; AND the form contains no records, either
because its recordsource has no records or you've filtered all the records

gchichester via

Thank You John,

You were right on target - I changed my filter and now working as expected.

gchichester via

Thanks again for your last response.
I realized I needed another search option in my code so I added the following.

If Not IsNull(varInputBookingNumber) Then
strFilter = strFilter & " AND " & BuildCriteria("BookingNoticeBookingNo",
dbText, varInputBookingNumber)
End If

Received "Illegal function call", I discovered that my strInput boxes should
be Variant data type so I made the change
but I'm still receiving the same error when any one of the search criteria is

Dim varInputBookingNumber As Variant
Dim varInputShipper As Variant
Dim varInputConsignee As Variant

any and all suggestions would be appreciated


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