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I am puttting together a web page for a local high school (gratis) field hockey team. The coach would like to access a htm file online where she can input various notes that would show up on a public view .htm file

How would I code this? And do I need specific extensions installed


Rick Budde

You do not code this.

In order to update a website, each computer would have to
have a liscensed copy of Front Page and the user would
have to have some knowledge of Front Pages's operation.

May I suggest as an alternative that the coach make the
writeup as she wishes, forward it to you via email
(either in the email body or as an attachment) and you
input it into the appropriate place on the website?
-----Original Message-----
I am puttting together a web page for a local high
school (gratis) field hockey team. The coach would like
to access a htm file online where she can input various
notes that would show up on a public view .htm file.


Hi Hamilton,

The easiest method is to utilize SSI (Sever Side Includes). A SSI is a file
that is read into the output stream of the web page.

Your coach would write up the comments using plain text in Notepad or
Wordpad then FTP or if you wish use the FP file upload facility to move the
file to the web site. Once upload the file will be displayed within the web
page as designed by you.

For more information on SSI see:

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
Try RunASP - Run ASP pages without a web server.
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible

hamiltonmd said:
I am puttting together a web page for a local high school (gratis) field
hockey team. The coach would like to access a htm file online where she can
input various notes that would show up on a public view .htm file.

Stefan B Rusynko

Another low cost approach if your site does not have the FP Server Extensions and the coach can't purchase FP, is to
- set up a page (loaded in a frameset or as a popup from a link in the site) w/ a fixed filename
- have them FTP the html page (overwriting the original each time) w/ an updated html page
(they can edit the page in Notepad or even Word)

| You do not code this.
| In order to update a website, each computer would have to
| have a liscensed copy of Front Page and the user would
| have to have some knowledge of Front Pages's operation.
| May I suggest as an alternative that the coach make the
| writeup as she wishes, forward it to you via email
| (either in the email body or as an attachment) and you
| input it into the appropriate place on the website?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I am puttting together a web page for a local high
| school (gratis) field hockey team. The coach would like
| to access a htm file online where she can input various
| notes that would show up on a public view .htm file.
| >
| >How would I code this? And do I need specific
| extensions installed?
| >
| >Thanks!!!
| >.
| >

Jim Cheshire

Or use TinyEdit.

Jim Cheshire
Jimco Add-ins
Author of Special Edition
Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Coming soon! Jimco Meta Magic

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Another low cost approach if your site does not have the FP Server
Extensions and the coach can't purchase FP, is to

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