Form is Read-Only



I can't figure out how to get this form from not being Read-Only. I want
all the objects bound to my query to be locked. But I have a checkbox that
I want the On-Click event to fire, but everytime I click on it the status
bar says "Form is Read-Only"
On the On-Click event, there is just a msgbox saying "Clicky Clicky!"
(because i thought it had something to do with the code that the checkbox is
suppose to do....but still no go)
what gives?
Here is what we have for our Form Properties:
Allow Edits: Yes
Allow Deletions: Yes
Allow Additions: No
Data Entry: No
Record Locks: No Locks

thanks for your time!


No, the Form's recordsource is not an updateable query (it contains grouped
columns and sums). But this checkbox isn't bound to the query at all. Why
won't it's on-click event fire then? There are all kinds of buttons on the
form, and their on-click events fire fine. What gives?
Thanks for the reply!


I worked around it. Made the sum field bound to a column then to my fancy
query, so now the query is updateable and i can get the checkbox on-click
event to fire. Now the form runs slower but at least the features work.

If anyone has a better solution i'd like to here it ;)

John Vinson

No, the Form's recordsource is not an updateable query (it contains grouped
columns and sums). But this checkbox isn't bound to the query at all.

I've never used an unbound checkbox control, and it seems pretty
pointless - if it has no Control Source what's it going to display?
All I can suggest is that you create an Option Group control with only
one option and use its AfterUpdate event (instead of its Click event).


I'm use to ASP/HTML/CSS where I seem to have more control over my objects
(maybe just because I'm more experienced with it). I wanted it to be
unbound because I want to set the value based on a bunch of things for each
record source...
For instance: if [Billed]=True, then i wanted the checkbox to be greyed out
(Null), otherwise it would just be what [Checked] is.

I managed to get it all to work in a different way. And it works pretty
slick now. It was an upward battle but i worked around everything. Now we
will see how stable my app is 8^/

Thanks for your replies!

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