Form Keeps calculating - wont stop


Steve W

Hi I have just upgraded to Access 2003 in the office 2003
pack from access 2003 in the office XP pack.
Im having trouble with some of my forms.
For no reason the form shows correct and the fields
calculate out ( date fields with conditional formating -
changing colours after set amount of days )but when I
change to Data sheet view the form starts calculting and
just wont stop untill I click on refresh 2 times then the
results of the calc shows correct. Any help please or
shall I just go back to using office XP the pages work
fine with this version.
Any help most welcome


Sarah Bendele

I had a problem similar to this when I upgraded from 97.
the only way I could get the form to stop calculating was
to click off Access on to the desktop. And I wasn't
performing any "calculations"... I'd like to see if
anyone else has found a solution.


I have taken the calculations of the form and calculated
within the Query and made the form look to the query for
the data and then it all worked fine no recalc over an
over again. I checked the form calculations and can see
no problem there. It works now. Any Ideas why?


Steve W

Thanks so much for this information it is excactly whats
going on here.
Do you know if Microsoft is going to fix this problem.?
I have wasted 3 days trying to fix it. Its so frustrating
but now I know it can be duplicated and is a fault I will
stop trying and stop blaming myself for poor code.

Thank you again

Steve W
-----Original Message-----
Take a look at:
Conditional formatting flaws

You might experiment with trying to set the
ConditionalFormatting conditions

Allen Browne

Hi Steve.

I (and others) have brought it to their attention, but trying to get it
fixed is another issue. Don't hold your breath.

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