Form Letter



Hi all, I have a bunch of form letters that get populated by another
application to which I have no control over. The form letters are premade
with areas to fill in various fields for example client name, account number
etc., these areas all have an underlined spot where a user could simply print
the form and fill out the areas manually or the can print the fom from the
application and have it fill in various feilds automatically. I have to set
up the forms with a [name] whereever I want for example the clients name to
appear. The problem is when the form is automatically populated if I put the
[name] on the same line as the underline it pushes everything over and if I
put it on the line above it looks bad because the name is hovering to far
above the underline. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I have tried
using a right tab with a leader but that always leaves the [name] right
aligned on the underline and the leader looks like an underline but then the
[name] field doesn't get underlined. Any help would be greatly appreciatted.

Charles Kenyon

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

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