Form Load Time Issues


James Stirling


I have developed an advanced database tool for a division of our company as
a client manager. It has its own user login security and a list of other
components I can't even begin list here. It works beautifully and is perhaps
the best thing I have ever developed as an amature programmer.

It is now time to implement it into our company network and it was the
general consensus that we simply place the MDE file on a mapable network
drive and give the relevant employees access to it. So now that I have done
that, the staff in this office that operates the server containing the drive
it is installed on has no problem using it at all, however, the staff in the
other office an hour from here on the same network have about a 60-120 second
delay when loading the main form after logging in.

The suggestions I have found on the web were that I convert my macros to VB
and perhaps do the same with any SQL in the record source, row source etc.

I only have two macros. The first is used on the mainform in the
beforeupdate event key and its purpose is to insert the last date and time a
record was edited into the client table (Which is also displayed in a listbox
on this form). So I converted it to VB but can't get the public function to

Public Function LastModified(txt As TextBox, Optional strTitle As String)
On Error GoTo LastModified_Err

With CodeContextObject
.DateModified = Date
.TimeModified = Time()
End With

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume LastModified_Exit

End Function

Other things to know:

The second is just a macro used on the login form as an exit button that
closes Microsoft Access all togther once clicked (Not really affecting my
main form so it is none-issue).

My database is a bit beefy at a condensed MDE file of 39mb at only 1800
records. It is very visually appealing with logo's and background. All the
images in the entire program don't amount to more than 2mb.

Screen shot of main form:

What I have done so far:
I have completely cleaned out the performance analysis with the acception of
3 table relationships, the two "Convert macros to VB" and a "Do not use so
many controls on mainform"

This is driving me nuts. Any help or direction would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Damon Heron

You don't mention, but is the database split? If so, why not provide the
frontend MDE to the remote client and see if that speeds things up.


Jeff Boyce


Might one inquire whether that "office an hour from here" is using an
internet and/or a WAN connection? If so, you are realizing that WAN
connections can be an order of magnitude (or more) slower than an internal
LAN connection.

Also, if you are "sharing" a single copy of the .mde among all the users,
you risk poor performance and possible corruption. That .mde (or an .mdb)
front-end is intended to be distributed, one copy per desktop. This design
assumes the data is located elsewhere, in a "back-end".

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

James Stirling


You guys helped quite a bit. I re-examined what was happening when it was
installed on the network drive and all it was doing was recreating itself as
the original DB file instead of an MDE/MDB. I am going to look through some
settings and try and install an MDE on one of the remote users computers.

Thanks again guys.

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