Form Location Based on Windows Size



I have an access 2002 application that I want to make sure my main
splash screen (form) to be always centered when I open the database. If
a user starts the database in small size window, my form will be
located in the center. But if the user maximizes the screen the form
will be on the upper left corner.
Is there a code that I can put it to make sure when the application is
maximized, the form will be relocated in the center?

Tom Wickerath

There is a Center property for forms (and reports). Have you set this
property to Yes? To do so, open your form in design view. Click on View >
Properties to display the properties dialog, if it is not already displayed.
Make sure that you are viewing the properties for the form. You should see
the name of the form in the blue title bar of the properties dialog. If
needed, click on the small black square in the upper left corner of form
design view, to select the form. The Center property can be found on the
Format tab.


Chris Burnette

This may or may not work for you, but in my Access 2003 form I found a
property called "AutoCenter." It seems that Access will automatically center
the form for you if you have this property set to Yes, even if you resize the
database window.



I have that property set to yes. But for some reason when I maximize
Access (after the form is centered), the form does not re-center itself
based on the new window size.

Tom Wickerath

What is your setting for the Border Style property for this form? You can
find this property on the Format tab of form properties (View > Properties in
form design view, if the properties dialog is not already displayed). When
you find this property, click your mouse to set focus within it. Then press
the F1 key to open context sensitive Help.


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