Form mysteriously minimizes



My dbase (access 2003) is secured, split (FE / BE), shared and on my office
network. When I'm on a form page (data entry) if there is no activity the
form will just minimize for no reason. If I'm on the switchboard page it
hasn't minimized, just on the form page. It quit doing it for a few weeks
but today it started back. It doesn't do it if I'm working in it but if
there is no activity for a couple minutes it will minimize.

Any suggestions as to what the problem could be?

Clifford Bass

Hi Todd,

Check the form's On Timer property--see if there is a macro or event
procedure or function call there? If so, inspect the macro or whatever to
see if it minimizes the form.

Clifford Bass



Nothing is set on the On Timer event. It's weird, somedays it will minimize
and somedays it won't. I asked a couple of the other folks using this dbase
and they said that it hasn't ever minimized on them. Looks like I'm (the
developer) the only one it's doing it to. Any other suggestions?

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