Form Navigation



Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish:

I have a tab control on a form which has various pages. The first tab/page
contains data from the forms’ control source. There are two other tabs which
contain subforms which are linked to the parent form.

What I’d like to have happen is each time the user navigates to one of the
tabs/pages that contain a sub form the sub form would automatically navigate
to a new record. If, while on the subform tab, the user creates a new record
or navigates to an existing record I want the record bookmarked so that when
the user navigates away and then back to the tab/page, the record they were
on before remains the active record. Only when a new record is selected from
the combo box on the main tab/parent form do I want the process to reset
where navigation to the tabs containing the subforms will automatically
navigate the user to a new record.

I hope I’m making sense. I have a feeling this can be accomplished by
utilizing/setting the bookmark property/method, but I don’t know how/where to



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