Form Not Loading with Records One User



Hi All,

I have one user that is accessing a database but cannot access all the
records when she loads a form. She is clicking on a switchboard option that
loads a form in edit mode with all records. When she clicks it, it brings up
a blank record. I believe she recently received service pack 3 so can that
be the problem and if so what would be the work around? All other users to
DB when clicking this button it loads all the records.

Linq Adams via

What exactly does "When she clicks it, it brings up a blank record."

Does this mean a new record, where you can see the fields but they're all
empty, or does this mean it is "blank" blank, where you cannot even see the

And while it's nice knowing what service pack is installed, it would probably
be helpful to know what version of Access is being used!

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