Form Not Working



Using Publisher 2003,
Webhost supports FP Extension 2002 and they are turned on,
Uploaded Publisher file using HTTP posting and not FTP,
and form does not work.

I would like all data on form to be emailed to my email address and that's how I have the Submit button coded.

Error received is as follows:
HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed with the URL appearing to crash on --WEBBOT-SELF--"

Anyone have any ideas on how to make form work? Is the problem with WEBBOT or does it have to do with versions of Publisher and FP? Thanks for any help.

David Bartosik MS MVP

refer to this page on how the two work together.
this page also shows how to "verify" that the extensions are installed and
working, so do that, verify it.
that error though appears to me to be a permissions issue on the host
in addition to verifying extensions I'd recommend sending the error to your
host support as they are the ones that need to make corrections in

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

VTKGS said:
Using Publisher 2003,
Webhost supports FP Extension 2002 and they are turned on,
Uploaded Publisher file using HTTP posting and not FTP,
and form does not work.

I would like all data on form to be emailed to my email address and that's
how I have the Submit button coded.
Error received is as follows:
HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed with the URL appearing to crash on --WEBBOT-SELF--"

Anyone have any ideas on how to make form work? Is the problem with
WEBBOT or does it have to do with versions of Publisher and FP? Thanks for
any help.

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