Form on top


George Brink

I can see how to make a form stay on top in VB, but not in Word VBA (Word

The call might be:
Call SetWinPos(SortForm.hwnd, True)
wirh the appropriate API code.

But VBA does not seem to support the property .hwnd

Can anyone help?

Word Heretic

G'day "George Brink" <[email protected]>,

The VBA Developer's Handbook has some tricky ideas for solving this.
However, forms have a modal property so I'm not really sure what is
the undesired effect you are attempting to overcome here?

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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George Brink reckoned:

George Brink

I have a mdeless form sitting om top of a document. If I touch the document,
e.g, scroll the document, the form moves below it. I would like the form
always to stay on top. I can do it in VB but not in VBA.
Here is my (not so elegant) solution:

Public Sub KeepFormOnTop(end_KeepFormOnTop)
'An attemp to keep the form on top of the documents

b = 1
StattTime = Time

While b = 1
If end_KeepFormOnTop = False Then 'a global variable
Exit Sub
For j = 1 To 50
If (Timer - StattTime) > 1 Then
StattTime = Timer
End If
End If

End Sub

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