Form Programming


Tricia Young

This is a form that I need code for.

Item# 1024 - Mixer
Lead Time (wks) 4 Safety Stock 6

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Planned Receipts 12 2 3 5 6
Planned Receipts Release 12
Inv On-Hand 0 -6 17 9 4 3 1 0

I have the code that inputs Planned receipts when the
Inv On-Hands is less than the Safety Stock. Now I need
a code to calulate the Release field. This field will
be the sum of any quantities needing to order in enough
time to meet the need. for example if the Order Lead
Time for this item is 4 weeks. In week 2 there will be
a backorder of 6. My calc will input qty 12 in week 2's
planned receipt field. But since it takes 4 weeks to
actually get the items. I need the Release field to sum
anything from Week 1 to Week 4.

This would be the same if I move to the next item and
following was true...

Item# 1044 - Scrapper
Lead Time (wks) 6 Safety Stock 12

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Planned Receipts 3 8 9 11 12
Planned Receipts Release 20
Inv On-Hand 0 16 17 9 4 3 1 0

If the Order Lead Time for this item is 6 weeks.
in week 4,5, & 6 the Inv is below the safety stock qty.
My calc will input the qtys in weeks planned receipt field.
But since it takes 12 weeks to actually get the items.
I need the Release field to sum anything from Week 1 to Week 6.

can anyone help me?

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