Form Puzzlement


Preston Bjorn

I'm an access hobbyist at best, wondering if anyone might have suggestions
for me.

Picture this: I'm building a database which in part tracks instructor
assignments for a regular course I run. For the sake of simplicity, let's
say the curriculum is built out of a dozen LESSONS, taught by any number of
INSTRUCTORS which I hire from a large pool (always less than 12 per course,
of course; but each may be assigned to one or several of the lessons.

I think I have the basics of the table design, with instructors and their
related demographic data in one table, lessons and their characteristics in
another, and an intermediate table (COURSE_INSTRUCTORS/LESSONS) comprised of
a foreign key from each.

My goal is to be able to generate a report for each course, listing the
instructors and their assigned lectures in an ordered fashion. How best
might I design the form? Ideally, I'd like to chose a course from a
listbox, then pick an instructor from another, and perhaps have checkboxes
for my 12 lessons. But then how do I translate these into text fields in my

Alternately, I suppose I could have each lesson attached to its own listbox
of instructors, but I'm not sure how to set up the table architecture to
capture the data for my report...

Anybody understand? Any suggestions?

Pret Bjorn
Bangor, ME USA

Peter Dave

Yeah I picture it... here is what I think is the easiest... from one hobyist to the other

I think you want a form with 2 Combo boxes
The form's control source will be your intermediate table

One combo box's record souce will be instructors, and the other will be the lessons (or querries returning the primary key and one main name/description that you want to appear as text in the combo box)
Each combo box's column count property will be 2, their bound column property set to 1 and you can set the column width to 0";3" or something like that... the 0 essentially makes the column where your key is in not be displayed

This should do what you want. Experiment with it and have fun :-

----- Preston Bjorn wrote: ----

I'm an access hobbyist at best, wondering if anyone might have suggestion
for me

Picture this: I'm building a database which in part tracks instructo
assignments for a regular course I run. For the sake of simplicity, let'
say the curriculum is built out of a dozen LESSONS, taught by any number o
INSTRUCTORS which I hire from a large pool (always less than 12 per course
of course; but each may be assigned to one or several of the lessons

I think I have the basics of the table design, with instructors and thei
related demographic data in one table, lessons and their characteristics i
another, and an intermediate table (COURSE_INSTRUCTORS/LESSONS) comprised o
a foreign key from each

My goal is to be able to generate a report for each course, listing th
instructors and their assigned lectures in an ordered fashion. How bes
might I design the form? Ideally, I'd like to chose a course from
listbox, then pick an instructor from another, and perhaps have checkboxe
for my 12 lessons. But then how do I translate these into text fields in m

Alternately, I suppose I could have each lesson attached to its own listbo
of instructors, but I'm not sure how to set up the table architecture t
capture the data for my report..

Anybody understand? Any suggestions

Pret Bjor
Bangor, ME US

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