form question


George Applegate

I have an access data base with two files:


Customers has a location code in it. THe transaction file links to
the customer file with customer number.

I have multiple locations. I only want my location users to only be
able to enter transactions into an enty form for their particular
location. Can I make a LocationXX query where they can only enter
transactions for customers who have location XX in their master
record? The location is stored in the transaction file, not in the
customer file.

I was thinking of creating an ENTRY form for each location and the
only transactions they could enter would be for customers with that
location. For example, create an Entry form for location XX; a second
one for location YY.

I know how to do a query to link the two together. Can I create an
entry form over the query?? Not sure I totally understand this. Or
is there a better way someone could point me in the right direction or
give me an example of?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


George Applegate
(e-mail address removed)

George Applegate

You are so right...I meant to say the location code is in the customer
file, not in the transaction file.

My mistake. I want to enter transactions only that are for customers
for a particular location. Can that be done and if so, how about a


You have contradictory statements --

George Applegate
(e-mail address removed)

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