Form question?


G Lam

Hi, I have a form to add data on the fly. When user enters the part# in a
field of order input form, the afterupdate event will check if the part#
exists in the part# table. If it is not, a AddPart form will pop up and asks
the user to input the new part data.
I want the part# entered in the order input form carry to the Addpart form,
but unable to do that.
In the Order Input form!partnbr afterupdate event, I put a line of code like
if dlookup return null then:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmAddPart", acNormal, , "PartNbr = """ & L & """",
acFormAdd, acDialog
L is a string variable that equals the part# entered by the user in the
order input form.
The FrmAddPart's data source is a query "qryAddPart" from the tblParts,
which has on two fields - PartNbr, Description.
I also tried
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmAddPart", acNormal, , "PartNbr = """ & L & """", ,
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmAddPart", acNormal, , "PartNbr = " & L , , acDialog
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmAddPart", acNormal, , "PartNbr = " & L , acFormAdd,
or add another line:
frmAddPart!PartNbr = L
forms!frmAddPart!PartNbr = l
but none of them worked.
I checked in the immediate window, the L did has the part# value.
How Can I get it right?
Thank you.


You could pass the part# (L) as the openargs value
(DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmAddPart", acNormal, , , , , L)
and then in the OnOpen event of FrmAddPart type:
Me.PartNbr = Me.Openargs


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