Form Region No Longer Works


Joe Zlata

Has anyone experienced any problems with Outlook 2007 form regions in Windows 7? I just upgraded to Win 7 (64 bit version) and the form region I had created and which worked in XP is no longer being displayed.

The xml code and the .ofs file are both stored in the same directory of my "D" drive.

xml Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FormRegion xmlns="">
<layoutfile>d:\Application Data\Outlook\Form Regions\Contacts\ContactsFormRegion.ofs</layoutfile>
<contact>J Zlata (mailto:[email protected])</contact>

Registray entry

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\FormReg ions\IPM.Contact]
ContactsFormRegion=d:\My Documents\Application Data\Outlook\\Form Regions\\Contacts\\MyContacts.xml

Is there a relationship between the name shown in the registray and what is shown in the xml code in the layout file?
Where does actually reside?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

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