Form results in CSV file




Can anyone please assist with two issues I have with FP form results.

I am creating an order form and saving the results to a .csv file in private

I know how to set up the form to email me a copy of the order, but how can I
get it to attach the .csv.

Or how can I get the order emailed to me as a .csv file?


Mark Fitzpatrick

You can't. The two parts of the FP Server Extensions don't
communicate together. You would need a seperate solution to do step a)
appending/writing the results to the file and b) to create an email message
and stream the file into it as an attachment. FP can't do this though. If
you have server-side scripting capabilities with your host, you could find
out what they have available (ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, etc.) and that could lead
you to some free scripts that can handle this.


Thank you Mark - I will look into this.

Meanwhile, can you assist with one more issue?

My form has 6 columns eg QTY / Product / Price etc, and numerous rows to
take multiple orders - but in the .csv file the data is populating ACROSS the
..csv columns and not DOWN the column. Eg QTY should all appear amounts all
under each other etc.

How can I get the form fields to enter data in the .csv file down the
columns they relate to?



Mark Fitzpatrick said:
You can't. The two parts of the FP Server Extensions don't
communicate together. You would need a seperate solution to do step a)
appending/writing the results to the file and b) to create an email message
and stream the file into it as an attachment. FP can't do this though. If
you have server-side scripting capabilities with your host, you could find
out what they have available (ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, etc.) and that could lead
you to some free scripts that can handle this.


The FP form handler is not capable of doing this - it is very limited.
Again you need a server side solution.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support:

Thank you Mark - I will look into this.

Meanwhile, can you assist with one more issue?

My form has 6 columns eg QTY / Product / Price etc, and numerous rows to
take multiple orders - but in the .csv file the data is populating ACROSS the
.csv columns and not DOWN the column. Eg QTY should all appear amounts all
under each other etc.

How can I get the form fields to enter data in the .csv file down the
columns they relate to?


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