To store a number like 1.7 and stop Access from rounding it to 2 set: Field Size - Decimal, Format - Fixed, Presision - ("Number you will store each side of the decimal. I needed 6."), Scale - ("Number of digits you will store to the right of the decimal. I needed 1."), Decimal Places - ("Number of digits displayed. I needed 1."). I know these kinds of things drive you crazy. Me too. Hack it up and take a break sometime. Dave
injanib via wrote:
Form Rounds up Decimal numbers, WHY?
I have two number fields. In the table I have the fields set up as decima
and the format is general number with two decimal places. I have the sam
format for the fields in the form, but everytime I
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Form Rounds up Decimal numbers, WHY?
I have two number fields. In the table I have the fields set up as decima
and the format is general number with two decimal places. I have the sam
format for the fields in the form, but everytime I
When I see that kind of behavior, I look for formatting as an Integer or Long
When I see that kind of behavior, I look for formatting as an Integer o
Long Integer
If you do not find it in the underlying table or in the form, and you do no
have code running behind the form t
I have tried all possible formats, and recreating the form at this
I have tried all possible formats, and recreating the form at this poin
happens to be extremely inconvinient and time consuming. It has way to muc
stuff on it
thanks for the suggestion though
Re: Form Rounds up Decimal numbers, WHY?
Just to clarify - the problem is probably not the Format of the number, bu
the Datatype. The default Number datatype in a table is long Integer - an
integers are, by definition, whole numbe
"missinglinq via AccessMonster.
Decimal exists in Access 2002, but it stores only integers. On
must set the Scale property to the correct number of decima
places, the dec
"In the table I have the fields set up as decimal and the format is
"In the table I have the fields set up as decimal and the format is genera
number with two decimal places" would indicate that you have the datatype se
as *decimal.* Unless this datatype has been ad
"missinglinq via AccessMonster.
Hm, are you sure
Data Type: Numeri
Field Size: Decima
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