Form saves with Server Filter



If I open a form, with criteria, and then make design changes, the server
filter saves it.
For example, I open frmClient with ClientId = 'ABC'
If then make design changes, and save the form, it will now have a server
filter saved of ClientID = 'ABC'
Next time I open the form, it will still show ABC, no matter what ClientID I
specify in the criteria.

Is there a way around this? I know I can blank the ServerFilter before I
save, but it sure is annoying if I forget.


Vadim Rapp

V> If I open a form, with criteria, and then make design changes, the
V> server filter saves it.
V> For example, I open frmClient with ClientId = 'ABC'
V> If then make design changes, and save the form, it will now have a
V> server filter saved of ClientID = 'ABC'
V> Next time I open the form, it will still show ABC, no matter what
V> ClientID I specify in the criteria.

V> Is there a way around this?

No. The best (from my experience) practice is - don't ever save the form you
were running or debugging. Figure out the problem, close the form, open in
design mode, fix, save. With practice, the biggest challenge is not
forgetting the problem in the process (which by Murphy's law is always
interrupted by something urgent - phone call etc.).

There's even more interesting feature. If you open form, apply filter, and
close the form, it's quietly resaved with the filter - without even telling
you that it was resaved. Next time you open it, the filter is applied. Even
if you openform with criteria, the filter has precedence. And this is true
even for compiled ade. The only cure is making user's ade read-only - users
with "full" access (rather than runtime-only) will be getting a warning on
opening, but it's lesser evil.

Vadim Rapp

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