I'm trying to add some addition text to my subject line?
FrontPage 2002, inserted this htlm code when I filled in the information
for email results:
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="TEXT/PRE"
s-email-address="(e-mail address removed)"
b-email-label-fields="TRUE" b-email-replyto-from-field="TRUE"
s-email-replyto="Email" b-email-subject-from-field="TRUE"
s-email-subject="Name" s-builtin-fields
u-confirmation-url="Confirmation2.htm" startspan --><strong>[FrontPage Save
Results Component]</strong><!--webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan
i-checksum="6561" --><P>
I was given this htlm line to add for that purpose:
<input type="submit" onclick="this.form.mysubject.value =
this.form.mysubject.value + ' my add on'; return true;" >
to concatenate the results from one of the fields, from the form, with the
additional text I wanted to add.
I added the line above, as I interpreted it, as such:
<input type="submit" onclick="s-email-subject = Name + ' Questionnaire 2
Results'; return true;" style="color: #421F00" >
However, my added text does not concatenate with the results of the field,
from the form. I continue to get just the results of the field.
What am I doing wrong?
What do I need to do?
FrontPage 2002, inserted this htlm code when I filled in the information
for email results:
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" s-email-format="TEXT/PRE"
s-email-address="(e-mail address removed)"
b-email-label-fields="TRUE" b-email-replyto-from-field="TRUE"
s-email-replyto="Email" b-email-subject-from-field="TRUE"
s-email-subject="Name" s-builtin-fields
u-confirmation-url="Confirmation2.htm" startspan --><strong>[FrontPage Save
Results Component]</strong><!--webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan
i-checksum="6561" --><P>
I was given this htlm line to add for that purpose:
<input type="submit" onclick="this.form.mysubject.value =
this.form.mysubject.value + ' my add on'; return true;" >
to concatenate the results from one of the fields, from the form, with the
additional text I wanted to add.
I added the line above, as I interpreted it, as such:
<input type="submit" onclick="s-email-subject = Name + ' Questionnaire 2
Results'; return true;" style="color: #421F00" >
However, my added text does not concatenate with the results of the field,
from the form. I continue to get just the results of the field.
What am I doing wrong?
What do I need to do?