Form size always maximized!




I've just moved to Access 2007 and I've run into a little problem.

My forms are opening in maximized - that is, they take all the screen
with the name tab at the top left.

I'd like to have the form smaller than maximized, but if I make the form
smaller, it just shows the extra as white (the background color) and the
form remains 'maximized'.

If I open one of my 2003 databases, the forms are smaller, as intended.
But if I create a new 2007 database form or even save the database as
2003 format, the forms have the 'maximized' format.

Any ideas on how to change this?


Jeff C.

Mr B


With your database open in Access 2007, click on the "Office Button" (that's
the round button in the upper left hand corner of the Acces window) and click
on t he "Access Options" at the botton right. In the "Access Options" dialog
box, click on the "Current Database" option from the list on the left. In
the "Application Options" group, locate the "Document Window Options". There
are two options and an check box. Select the "Operlapping Windows" option.
(The "Tabbed Documents" option is the default for all Access 2007 files. For
more information about this, you may want to click on the "Guide to Access
2007 User Interface" link located on the "Getting Statred with Microsoft
Office Access" screen that appears when you open Access 2007 from a short cut
on your desktop or from the Startup menu.)

After making the selecltion of the "Operlapping Windows" option and closisng
the diaplog box, you will be prompted that you have to close the current
database and reopen it for your changes to take effect. Selecting the
"Operlapping Windows" option will cause Access to use the interface that you
are more used to.

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