form size when opened



Why is it so hard to make a form open in it's designed size, and not filling
the whole screen? (Access xp)

I have set autoresize to yes and to no
I have made the form popup, model, either, both and neither
I have added docmd.restore, docmd.resize, docmd.maximize, docmd.minimize
and no docmd to the form load event in turn
I have saved the form while it is in the design size

What gives? Why isn't there something like docmd.opendesignsize, or
something like that?

How can I do this?




Put docmd.Restore in the Form Activate event.
To make it stay the size you designed it:
size it like you want it in form view.
switch to design view.
change the border style from sizable to thin.
save the form.

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