"Form Source <StoredProcedureName> not found ... "



I have a disconnected Access 2002 project (.adp) that runs under
Windows XP Pro. Every 2 seconds, the project connects to a SQL 2000
database and invokes a stored procedure in the database to look for
new data. If data is found, the project invokes other stored procedure
to fetch the data. The project places the data in recordsets.

The project displays some of the data in a subform. The Record Source
for the subform is set to the recordset returned by one of the stored
procedures using VBA code. Once the data is obtained and displayed in
the project (including the subform), the connection is closed.

Eventually, the user uses the displayed data and clears it for the
form and subform. If there is no data to display at this point, my VBA
code sets the subform's Visible field to False. Sometimes a couple of
minutes after happens, Access pops up a dialog box that says:

"Form Source <StoredProcedureName> not found ... "

Here <StoredProcedureName> is the name of the stored procedure I
invoke to set the Record Source of the subform. In my VBA code, I make
no direct association between the subform's Record Source field and
the strored procedure. I use the recordset returned by the strored
procedure to set the Record Source of the subform. At any rate, the
subform is not even visable when this happens.

Does anyone have any Ideas as to what the problem might be?

Thanks for the bandwidth.

- Doug

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