Form Stopped working



I have several forms on a site I'm working on that stoped working...
Instead of submitting (either to e-mail or saving to a file), they
return with the contents cleared... I created a test form: It's as if the page is not
being processed by frontpage? anybody run into this problem before?


Paul C

Hi Kurt
I have had this before
Have you tried creating a form on a completely new page? I have been pulling
my hair out on a form in the past, everything looks ok but nothing works.
If this fails try reinstalling the front page extensions on your server,you
may need your isp provider to do this,or sometimes it can be done in the
control panel
Best wishes
Paul M


Yup, I've tried a completely new form... no luck.
Also uninstall FP Extensions, then re-installed.... still no luck....

Thomas A. Rowe

Have you contacted your web host regarding this issue?

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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