Form / Subform (Individual Rows)


George H. Slamowitz


Thanks, I downloaded the file, and I have to look through it to see how he
uses the class module(s) that are in the database.



What if you want to do something that Conditional Formatting can't do, such
as populate an unbound field in the same row, or make another field visible,
disabled, etc? Is there a way to programmatically modify just the current
row's controls?

Van T. Dinh

No. What you see is many instances of the same Control, one for each "row",
not different Controls.


So just to be clear, there is no way to programatically alter the properties
of a particular instance of a control on a continuous form.

For example i have a continuous form that displays a list of products and
the quantaties of them in stock. I can use conditional formatting to make
the colour of text in the qty feild go red if it is smaller that the value
in the reorder level feild but conditional formatting can't be used to make
the text in the description field go red if the qty field is smaller than the
reorder level field and therefore it can not be done at all.


So just to be clear, there is no way to programatically alter the properties
of a particular instance of a control on a continuous form.

For example i have a continuous form that displays a list of products and
the quantaties of them in stock. I can use conditional formatting to make
the colour of text in the qty feild go red if it is smaller that the value
in the reorder level feild but conditional formatting can't be used to make
the text in the description field go red if the qty field is smaller than the
reorder level field and therefore it can not be done at all.

Van T. Dinh

I am fairly sure that you can use Conditional Formatting for what you

What you need to do is to set the Conditional Formatting on the
"Description" Control and in this, use the Qty Field in the criterion.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

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