Form/Subform menu


Joseph Udell

I'm trying to create a form based menu. A user is given 5 options on the
main form. When the user clicks on an option I want the subform to change.
I'm not very fluent in VB so i'm not sure of where to proceed.

Thank you for your assistance,
J Udell

June Macleod

To change the sourceobject of a subform use:

Forms![mainformName]![SubFormControlName].SourceObject = "Detail2"

You could put this into a Case statement to pick up the appropriate name

Private Sub Frame0_Click()
On Error GoTo err_Frame0
Dim theSubFormName As String
Select Case Frame0
Case 1
theSubFormName = "Monday"
Case 2
theSubFormName = "Tuesday"
Case 3
theSubFormName = "Wednesday"
Case 4
theSubFormName = "Thursday"
Case 5
theSubFormName = "Friday"
Case Else
theSubFormName = "Weekend"
End Select

Forms![mainformName]![SubFormControlName].SourceObject = theSubFormName

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_Frame0
End Sub

Hope this helps

June Macleod


If I understand you correctly, you are creating a menu and
when someone clicks on the button, a form or report will
appear. I don't believe that is what you call a subform.

If that is what you want to do - here is what I did.
Create a form in design view. Make sure the wizard button
is selected. Select the control button from the menu and
click where you want it on the form. This will bring up
the contol wizard for most of your basic needs such as
opening a form or report, navagaing, closing, saving etc.
If you want something more complicated than that, create a
macro that does what you want. Then when you put the
botton on your form, close the wizard and pull up the
properties of the button. Go down to where it says "on
click", click the down arrow and choose the macro you
wrote. Try this. It worked very nicely for me. I just
did this.


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