A silly question, but one I haven't been able to find here or on the web.
Why can't two users work in the same form at the same time on a split
database? I have some forms with 40 or 50 fields and one manager may need to
enter data into these 5 fields today and another manager a completely
different 5 fields. As long as they are not in the same fields, what
difference would it make? Is there a way to just lock the field the manager
is typing in at that moment? Like I say, silly question, but one I can't find
the answer to. Thanks so much!!!!
Why can't two users work in the same form at the same time on a split
database? I have some forms with 40 or 50 fields and one manager may need to
enter data into these 5 fields today and another manager a completely
different 5 fields. As long as they are not in the same fields, what
difference would it make? Is there a way to just lock the field the manager
is typing in at that moment? Like I say, silly question, but one I can't find
the answer to. Thanks so much!!!!