Form using two tables--one with new data?



Hello there,

I hope this is a simple issue.

I have a form that is used to provide update information on in-house
incidents. The form is populated by two tables--the first is tblIncidents
which hold data on the initial incident (time/date/those involved, etc.)
which never changes throughout the life of the incident. The second table,
tblUpdates, contains info related to update information on each incident.
Each record in tblUpdates represents one of, potentially, numerous updates
for each incident.

I've set the form up so it has a drop-down at the top which allows me to
select from a list of active incidents. The idea is that when I select the
incident it should populate the form with the original incident data plus
populate a section that lists all the update in chronological order. There is
also a field where i enter new update info.

Here's the issue: I cannnot seem to get either the drop down or the query
working correctly so I can enter new update info. It will bring up the
initial incident info and will list all the updates, however the field where
the new update info should go is populated by the info from the most recent
update while it should be blank.

So, I stumped.

Any insight would be appreciated.


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