Form View without the tab


Ed K

Seems that Access 2007 presents a form in "Form View" mode as full screen
with a tab at the top (that allows multiple database objects to be opened -
tables, queries, forms). How do I get Access to display the form in Form
View so that it is to my size specifications and without the tab?

Dirk Goldgar

Ed K said:
Seems that Access 2007 presents a form in "Form View" mode as full screen
with a tab at the top (that allows multiple database objects to be
opened -
tables, queries, forms). How do I get Access to display the form in Form
View so that it is to my size specifications and without the tab?

It's an option in the "Current Database" set of Access Options. Choose
"Overlapping Windows" rather than "Tabbed Documents" for Document Window

Ed K

Dirk, perfect, thanks!

Dirk Goldgar said:
It's an option in the "Current Database" set of Access Options. Choose
"Overlapping Windows" rather than "Tabbed Documents" for Document Window

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

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