form with field lookup


John Hale

I have the following:

table a:


table b:

Style and Color combined make up a "unique" identifier
for our products; I have a form that is going to update
table B; i.e. quantity, but I want the description from
table A to be displayed on the form, i.e. in a title or
text box, for each record as I go through.

I want the form to provide interactive ability to edit
field contents for the user. Therefore a query won't do
in this case. Or would it?

Any help is appreciated. I have good
skills with forms / queries, but have never actually had
to do this.



Steve Schapel


It is not clear what is the relationship between table a and table b,
but on the face of what you have told us so far, it would appear that
you would be better to combine the 2 tables into one. Any reason why
you couldn't do that?

Nevertheless, in more direct answer to your question, there is no
reason why you can't use a Query which includes both tables, as the
basis of your form, thus allowing you access to both the description
and quantity fields at the same time.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

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