form won't send info as directed


David Bartosik MS MVP

Viewing confirms fp
installed. So I would suspect it'd ws not published in http.
What did "direct" mean?
and any other attempts of what?
and what is doesn't recognize? you mean a broken link? what?
please state how you are publishing in clear language and give me some
details to work with.
Also provide the url of the form in question.

David Bartosik MS MVP

damzish said:
The form is up on the web site, front page extentions installed, uploaded
"contact us" page direct instead of FTP. That left me with a site that
doesn't recognized the uploaded page. Any other attemps and I get this
message when I click
/--WEBBOT-SELF-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 404. HELP!


I have figured out the problem, one needs to upload the web site direct from publisher (to get your form to work correctly). I was uploading the .htm files server side. It simply won't work that way. Maybe clarification up front would avoid confusion re: this issue. And yes a newbie could overlook this small point.

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