ben h
Word 2003.
I have over 100 docs containing screen shots. Most of them were created
by Alt+PrntScrn and paste.
The pictures are mostly set with their text-wrapping at the apparent
default of 'Top and bottom', but I want to change this to 'In line with
I tried to record a macro of this manual process (i.e. selecting an
image, using the picture toolbar to change the text wrapping), but the
options in the picture toolbar were disabled, and the In line option on
the Format>Picture menu is disabled (though none of the others are??).
How would I write a macro that sets the text wrapping of all images in
the document to 'In line with text'?
For each objImg in ActiveDocument.Shapes
If objImg.Type = msoPicture Then
objImg.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapInline
End If
Next objImg
This doesn't seem to work. What have I done wrong, or forgotten to do?
I have over 100 docs containing screen shots. Most of them were created
by Alt+PrntScrn and paste.
The pictures are mostly set with their text-wrapping at the apparent
default of 'Top and bottom', but I want to change this to 'In line with
I tried to record a macro of this manual process (i.e. selecting an
image, using the picture toolbar to change the text wrapping), but the
options in the picture toolbar were disabled, and the In line option on
the Format>Picture menu is disabled (though none of the others are??).
How would I write a macro that sets the text wrapping of all images in
the document to 'In line with text'?
For each objImg in ActiveDocument.Shapes
If objImg.Type = msoPicture Then
objImg.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapInline
End If
Next objImg
This doesn't seem to work. What have I done wrong, or forgotten to do?