Format as Date



Hi all
I have a table which stores a date like so: 06012004 (today UK). How can i convert this to a date
Many thank

Allen Browne

Create a query into this table.

Type an expression such as this into the Field row in query design:
DateSerial(Right([d], 4), Mid([d], 3, 2), Left([d], 2))

That assumes the text date is in a field named "d".

If you are trying to write the date to a true Date/Time field, change the
query to an Update query (Update on Query menu), and place the expression in
the Update row under your real date field. Then run the query.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

How can i convert this to a date?

Sandra Daigle

You could use the dateSerial Function:

Dim myDate As Date
Dim datefld As String
datefld = "06012004"

myDate = DateSerial(Right(datefld, 4), Mid(datefld, 3, 2), Left(datefld, 2))
Debug.Print myDate

Just replace datefld with a reference to the field or control that contains
the existing date. You can use this in a query or in VBA depending on what
you are planning to do with the converted value.

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