I have a monthly file My File mm-yyyy.xls. I am trying to reference last
months file using cell C1 (Named month) and indirect.ext using
cell("FILENAME'). The month portion of the formula is evaluating to 01 no
matter the month.
My formula
=INDIRECT.EXT("'"&LEFT(CELL("FILENAME",A1),FIND("-",CELL("FILENAME",A1))-3)&TEXT((MO-1),"MM")&"-"&YR&".xls]Monthly Summary'!$"&"b$37")
What should I change in TEXT((MO-1) so it will evaluate to the previous
month. I realize that January will be a problem and plan on manually
entering the values unless some one has a suggestion for that too.
I have a monthly file My File mm-yyyy.xls. I am trying to reference last
months file using cell C1 (Named month) and indirect.ext using
cell("FILENAME'). The month portion of the formula is evaluating to 01 no
matter the month.
My formula
=INDIRECT.EXT("'"&LEFT(CELL("FILENAME",A1),FIND("-",CELL("FILENAME",A1))-3)&TEXT((MO-1),"MM")&"-"&YR&".xls]Monthly Summary'!$"&"b$37")
What should I change in TEXT((MO-1) so it will evaluate to the previous
month. I realize that January will be a problem and plan on manually
entering the values unless some one has a suggestion for that too.