format cell that contain text and fraction



when i format cell that contains text and fraction with fraction and sort
them ascending order the result is not the way i wanted .
ex chisel 1/2, chisel 1/4, chisel 1/8 which should be chisel 1/8, chisel
1/4 and chisel 1/2

Bernie Deitrick

You would need to either

1) create a custom list (make the list in the order you want, then use Tools / Options / Custom
Lists Import), and then use that list as your sort basis (click the options button in the sort
dialog, and choose your custom list)

2) use a helper column of decimal values and sort based on the decimal

3) enter 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 as numbers, and use the custom format

"chisel " #/#

MS Excel MVP

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