Format Command


Roger Bell

I have a text box in a report using the Trim command where I need to change
the Formatting procedure for part of this as follows:

=Trim("Born On"[Date of Birth],Format Bold, "In" [Place], Format Bold)

I need the Date of Birth Field to be in bold and the Place to be in Bold.

As I am relatively new, I would appreciate the correct syntax that I need to
use and any help wil be greatly appreciated.

KenSheridan via

If the date is being printed at a consistent width, which will depend on what
date format and font you are using, you should be able to do it as four
separate controls; labels or unbound text boxes for "Born On" and "In", and
bound controls for Date of Birth and Place. You can then set the FontWeight
properties of the two bound controls to Bold.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Roger said:
I have a text box in a report using the Trim command where I need to change
the Formatting procedure for part of this as follows:

=Trim("Born On"[Date of Birth],Format Bold, "In" [Place], Format Bold)

I need the Date of Birth Field to be in bold and the Place to be in Bold.

As I am relatively new, I would appreciate the correct syntax that I need to
use and any help wil be greatly appreciated.

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