Format Date in Save AS function


Greg H.

I am receiving a strange error message when trying to run the below script:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "c:\Daily Reports for DP\NPP_" & Format(Date,

The error i get highlights "Format" and a msg box says:

Compile Error:

Wrong number of arguments or incalid property assignment

Any ideas as to what is wrong?

Tom Ogilvy

You have probably used Format as the name of a routine you wrote. Find that
routine and change the name.


I am receiving a strange error message when trying to run the below script:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAS "c:\Daily Reports for DP\NPP_" & Format(Date,

The error i get highlights "Format" and a msg box says:

Compile Error:

Wrong number of arguments or incalid property assignment

Any ideas as to what is wrong?

I'm not able to reproduce your error, your code (I modified the path a
bit for my machine) worked just fine for me. Tested on both xl2007 and

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