Format Date to show MonthYr



Two questions which I'm sure have been answered.

Question 1:
I have a start date field formatted as: 1/1/2003. I want
to change the format to: Jan2003, Feb2003 etc. I've
tried Datepart and Format but have only been able to
return the month as a number.

Question 2:
How do I count the number of sessions that occur in one
month? e.g. session number 411 appears 10 times in my
query because 10 people enrolled in that session. When I
run the report I want Access to count the number of
sessions so I don't have to do this manually. In the
report design view I've tried sum([session code]) and count
([session code]) and neither worked.


It worked!! Thank you so much!! On to the next
-----Original Message-----
I can answer the question #1 easily.

Try to use this syntax or something similar.
Format(A_DATE, "MMM YYYY")
-----Original Message-----
Two questions which I'm sure have been answered.

Question 1:
I have a start date field formatted as: 1/1/2003. I want
to change the format to: Jan2003, Feb2003 etc. I've
tried Datepart and Format but have only been able to
return the month as a number.

Question 2:
How do I count the number of sessions that occur in one
month? e.g. session number 411 appears 10 times in my
query because 10 people enrolled in that session. When I
run the report I want Access to count the number of
sessions so I don't have to do this manually. In the
report design view I've tried sum([session code]) and count
([session code]) and neither worked.


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