Format Excel cell in Word Mailmerge



I try to merge formatted Excel cells (€ #.##0,00) into a Word document.
Word displays a number with to many decimals (for example: 4600,2546897458)

How can I copy the format?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Press Alt+F9 to toggle on the display of the field codes and inside the
closing } of the field to which you want to apply the format, add the
following formatting switch:

\# "?,0.00"

If you have negative amounts and you want to enclose them in parentheses,

\# "?,0.00;(?,0.00)"

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Peter Jamieson

Use Alt-F9 to reveal the field codes in your Word mail merge main document

change e.g.

{ MERGEFIELD mynumber }


{ MERGEFIELD mynumber \#"€ #.##0,00" }

(you can usually delete the \*Mergeformat switch if it is there)

I'm assuming "." is set up as the 1000s separator and the "," as the decimal
point in your regional options.

You may find the following is enough:

{ MERGEFIELD mynumber \#"€.0,00" }

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