Format function & Export Specification


S Vassmer

I'm trying to export a record set from a query based on a

I'm using this:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "qryNameChgs Export
Specification", "_qryNameChgs", "c:\\Documents and
settings\All Users\Desktop\New Name", True

The specifications are set at: File Format=Delimited,
Field Delimiter=tab, Text Qualifier=none, Date Order=MDY,
X=Four Digit Years, Date Delimiter=/, X=Leading Zeros in
Dates, Time Delimiter=:.

On my query, _qryNameChgs, I have a field = Birthdate:

The file exports as tab delimited, but the Birthdate field
includes time (example: 06/15/1952 0:00:00)

How do I get rid to the time? It's driving me nuts!

Using Office 2000, ACCESS 2000, and Notepad to open the
exported file. Any help is appreciated.

S Vassmer

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