Format Issues




My Access 2000 DB is having report formatting issues - not for me, but for
the user I have distributed the DB to. I am aware of the potential for
Autoname to cause problems with the formatting and this has been turned off
from the start. All I've done is zip and email the DB to another user and
then the problems occured.

Unfortunately I have not actually seen the problematic output . . . however,
in the On Page event of my report I have the following code to generate some
of the
design elements required:

Me.ScaleMode = 3

Me.DrawWidth = 450
sngTop = Me.ScaleTop + 6
sngHeight = Me.ScaleHeight + 5
Me.Line (sngTop, 0)-(0, sngHeight), 225, B

Me.DrawWidth = 350
sngWidth = Me.ScaleWidth - 5000
Me.Line (0, 50)-(sngWidth, 0), 225, B

DrawStyle = 6
Me.DrawWidth = 1100
Me.Line (193, 1890)-(1100, sngHeight + 5), 12241053, B

I also have a light blue block in the page header that runs the width of the
report. This is the feedback I got:

'light blue box in bottom left corner covering some text and the box that
goes across the top stretched onto an extra page making the report and extra
couple of almost blank pages'

Clearly there seems to be a problem with margins and the sizing of the
design elements. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Rick Brandt

TarrynG said:

My Access 2000 DB is having report formatting issues - not for me,
but for the user I have distributed the DB to. I am aware of the
potential for Autoname to cause problems with the formatting and this
has been turned off from the start. All I've done is zip and email
the DB to another user and then the problems occured.
This is the feedback I got:
'light blue box in bottom left corner covering some text and the box
that goes across the top stretched onto an extra page making the
report and extra couple of almost blank pages'

Clearly there seems to be a problem with margins and the sizing of the
design elements. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

What are your margin settings? The most common cause of stuff like this is
having margins that are supported on the development PC but not by the default
printer driver of the target PC.



Margins are 5mm all round (top, bottom, left, right) and paper size is
Letter on a Portrait orientation. Should I be setting the margins in the open
event of me report?


Rick Brandt said:
TarrynG said:

My Access 2000 DB is having report formatting issues - not for me,
but for the user I have distributed the DB to. I am aware of the
potential for Autoname to cause problems with the formatting and this
has been turned off from the start. All I've done is zip and email
the DB to another user and then the problems occured.
This is the feedback I got:
'light blue box in bottom left corner covering some text and the box
that goes across the top stretched onto an extra page making the
report and extra couple of almost blank pages'

Clearly there seems to be a problem with margins and the sizing of the
design elements. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

What are your margin settings? The most common cause of stuff like this is
having margins that are supported on the development PC but not by the default
printer driver of the target PC.

Rick Brandt

TarrynG said:

Margins are 5mm all round (top, bottom, left, right) and paper size is
Letter on a Portrait orientation. Should I be setting the margins in
the open event of me report?

That's pretty small. Most of the printers in my company would not support
those so I suspect neither does the printer that your user has. The
important one is the bottom margin (right margin for landscape). Many
inkjet printers won't go much closer than a half inch to the edge on that

This has nothing to do with how you set them. If my default printer has a
minimum margin of 1/2 inch and you send me a file containing a report with a
smaller margin than that then it will not work. Access will always honor
the minimum/maximum margin settings of the printer driver doing the printing
so you have to design your reports so that they work on whatever printers
you need to use your app.

1/2 inch all the way around is "failry" safe, but I usually go for 0.6 or
0.7 on the bottom margin just to allow a bit more cushion.



Thanks for your help - after typing in my margin sizes, I realised that they
were pretty tiny. Hopefully increasing them will sort out the issues.

Much appreciated advice!

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