This is always tricky. Why? Try these names as am example.
Mary Anne Carter (Mary Anne is her first name)
Oscar de la Renta
Bobbi Jean
Arrington Anne Marie Hapsburg (Anne Marie is the middle name)
John Spencer, Jr
Not to mention typos that introduce extra spaces.
John P Spencer
John P Spencer
John P Spencer
It can be done and done with a fair degree of accuracy if your names follow
the pattern that there is always one or more spaces before the last name and
the last portion of text is the last name.
Assuming that you want to put the last name in one column and the remainder of
the name in a second column
Use this to get the last portion of the FullName
Trim( Mid([FullName],InstrRev(" " & [FullName]," ")))
Use this to get the rest
Trim(LEFT([FullName],InstrRev([FullName]," ")))
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County